Direct Internet Access

High-Speed, Stable Connectivity Across China and Asia.

High-Speed Asian Connectivity, Paving the Way for Online Success.

China and Asia, pivotal markets for global enterprises. With high-speed, stable connectivity, you hold the key to a competitive edge.

Swift China & Asia Connectivity

Explore abundant resources with GreatForti in China and Asia. Our internet access services offer website owners and application integrators optimal solutions to thrive in these key markets.

Product Strengths

Built-in DDoS Protection

GreatForti ensures all internet access is secure with DDoS protection—automatic and hassle-free for businesses.

Flexible Bandwidth

Adjust bandwidth instantly for temporary needs or business growth with unparalleled flexibility.

Abundant Networks

Experience secure and smooth connectivity with our top-tier network resources, designed to adapt to any scenario.

Features & Services

Dynamic Route Optimization

24/7 Technical Operations

Abundant IP Resources

High Bandwidth, Low Latency